You’re Over 50 and On The Back-Nine. How Are You Going to Play It?

humorous golf pic

For the last few summers, I’ve been playing golf in a senior men’s league at a local muni. It’s a mid-week event, so this group is mostly retirees mixed with a few business owners who can step away from their businesses for a day.

This is truly a geriatric bunch – the average age is probably mid-7os.

I help raise the average.

I truly believe, on any given Wednesday morning, it is the biggest concentration of 50″ waistlines and artificial knees and hips in the Denver metro area. Oh, and perhaps, the highest overall golf handicap average on any given golf course in the area at that time of the week.

A few of us walk the course.  Most of the fellas ride, turning a non-aerobic experience into a deep non-aerobic experience.

It definitely is a collection of guys well into the back-nine of life.

Since the groups change each week, there isn’t an opportunity to get to know individuals on a deep level. Plus, COVID prevents us from the 19th hole experience where a personal connection can develop. So, I’ve gotten only a few snippets of front-nine stories from weekly playing partners.

Can I please have my front-nine back?

This week I found myself thinking about life as two nines. I was helped along with the idea after a one-on-one Zoom conversation with exercise physiologist and author Dan Zeman and while reading his book “You Are Too Old to Die Young: A Wake-up Call for the Male Baby Boomer on How to Age with Dignity.” (paid link).

Dan was on the front edge of the exercise physiology profession, an early pioneer in the world of health, fitness, and sports medicine.  He has worked with notable athletes and sports organizations, including Tour de France winner Greg LeMond, the Minnesota Vikings and Timberwolves, and with professional athletes in the National Hockey League.

Dan aims his book at MBBs – male baby boomers. He’s on a life quest to raise the awareness amongst male boomers of the health and wellness impact of decisions made in the back-nine or second half of life, reminding us that we don’t get to play our front nine over.

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181 thoughts on “You’re Over 50 and On The Back-Nine. How Are You Going to Play It?”

  1. Love the article Gary and like you I’m currently trying to amend my evil ways in terms of lifestyle choices. I love “YNY” and even joined the YNY facebook group.
    Just wanted to point out that those books you mentioned work for women just as well as men.
    I do agree with you that women are smarter than us.

  2. Living a long and healthy life takes work, but it sure beats the alternative. A friend once told me when I was in my thirties that you should sweat every day. I firmly both believe that and act on it. As an avid ice hockey player, golfer and tennis player, I have found that the competitive juices haven’t waned, though the skill level may have diminished. Having as much, is not more, competitive fun now as at any age. And we continue to learn more about a healthy diet to fuel these endeavors!

    One additional thought is avoid social media – will miss some groups, but eliminate stress and maintain privacy in the process.

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